Publication Schedules

The Publications Schedules page allows administrators to view and manage all existing publication schedules, their associated executions and output (tasks).

Admins can access the main schedule listing, the job executions panel, the outputs panel, and the print and export summary dialog.

  • Use the Task Manager to see a listing of all publication tasks in a single listing, without the schedule definitions.

Schedule Listing And Actions

Each schedule listed will displays:

  • Actions: take an action, like stopping or editing the schedule. See below for details.
  • Schedule Name: the name of the schedule job.
  • Source: the name of the source publication template.
  • Type: the icon indicates the schedule type; one-off (with a "1" icon), recurring (with a clock icon), or on demand (with a calendar icon).
  • Owner: the user who currently owns the schedule job.
  • Start Date: the start date and time of the schedule job.
  • End Date: the end date and time of the schedule job (if the schedule was recurring, and an end date was assigned to it).
  • Description: the description given to the publication.

From the Actions panel of each schedule, admins can:

  • Stop Schedule:click to stop the schedule job - it can be restarted if needed. If the schedule type was Once or the schedule has ended, the Stop button will be disabled.
  • Start Schedule: click to start a schedule that was stopped. If the schedule type was Once or the schedule has ended, the Start button will be disabled.
  • Info Icon: hovering over the icon will show:
    • Creation Date: the date and time that the schedule was created.
    • Schedule ID: the ID of the schedule job.
  • From the action menu:
    • Edit Schedule: click to edit the schedule.
    • Delete Schedule: delete the schedule.
    • Got to Item Location: go to publication's location in the CMS.
    • Change Owner: change the schedule owner.
    • Copy : duplicate the schedule job; when you click Copy, you will see that the job is duplicated.
    • Audit Trail: view the schedules audit history

Clicking on the schedule will open the Job Executions panel (see below).

Edit a Schedule

To edit a publication's schedule, click the edit icon in the Actions menu. From the Edit Schedule panel that opens, you can redefine the schedule and distribution for the publication.

Change Schedule Ownership

Change the schedule's owner if the user driving the schedule needs to be changed (or the password reset when using an provided account). In the Actions menu click the Change Owner icon to open the Change Schedule Ownership dialog. The dialog displays the schedule name and the current schedule owner. To change the schedule owner, select a user from the Select New Owner drop down and click Apply.

Job Executions Panel

Click on a publication schedule to open a list of that schedule's job executions, where you can re-run the job, see its progress, its output type. and the date and time of the last run time.

Outputs Panel

Click on a job execution to open its Output panel, where you'll see:

  • Actions: re-run the schedule, download the publication, or open the publication's Print and Export Summary.
  • Status: indicates the status of the job execution (successful in green, pending in yellow, or error in red. An unfilled green circle indicates that the job was stopped after a trigger evaluation).
  • Type: the publication's output type
  • Description: the schedule's description.
  • Start Date: the start date and time of the job execution.
  • End Date: the end date and time of the job execution.

From the top right corner of the panel (red arrow below), you can re-run listed jobs, or re-run all the failed listed jobs.

Schedule Manager Macro Buttons

The macro buttons are available in the top right hand corner of the schedule manager.

  • Purge - after selecting one or more schedules using the check boxes, this function will hard-delete the schedule and all its associated content and outputs
  • Delete - after selecting one or more schedules using the check boxes, this function will soft-delete the schedule, removing it from the list
  • Show Old One-Offs - by default, all one-off schedules are hidden from view except those that have been executed in the last 24 hours. Use this button to see old one-off schedules.
  • Show Inactive Recurring - by default, all completed recurring schedules that have ended are hidden from view. Use this button to see expired, inactive recurring schedules.
  • Show Deleted -allows managers to view all soft-deleted schedules previously deleted.